The Monday Morning Message (08/28/17)
Every Monday morning, we'll be bringing you news about the happenings here at Open Door Media Group. "The Monday Morning Message" will have updates about photo shoots, new co-ops, video shoots, and other productions that we are working on.
Last week, we had a couple of complications with our production process. We originally had planned to release our recap video of Camp/Out @ Camp/Us (Night IV) Friday, but will now be releasing the video tomorrow morning. In addition, Nikki Gallup's third session of her speed painting will be released this Thursday. Both videos will be released on our YouTube channel and Facebook.
Following the release of those two videos, we also are getting ready to release a project called "It Starts With Us." The video is a collective effort by ODMG and many Chicagoland area artists to help promote peace, unity, and progression within our communities.
Nearly half of the artists that participated in the recording of this project came out to Camp/Us in Logan Square, while the rest were filmed and submitted to us independently. The musicians and bands who volunteered for this video include Roger This, Brobi Wan Bronobi of Chase Aways, OUTDrejas, Katie Day, Dina Muzzalupo, Anumi, Burley Gates, City Mouth, The Smoking Revolvers, and Comfort Scarcity along with Chicago rappers Tim Million and D-Zoe.
The expected release for "It Starts With Us" will be the week of September 4th, 2017. A special thank you to all the artists who volunteered and to Camp/Us for allowing us to use their space for filming this video.
ODMG will also be filming at the Cubby Bear in Wrigleyville this Friday for Chase Aways and Burly Gates. The Flips and Oceans Over Airplanes will join them on the Friday night bill along with The Linden Method and The Major Minor.
This Friday, we will be covering Chicago punk band Sad Jokes as we continue our "Featured Artist Friday" blog series. If you haven't already, make sure to read about last week's featured artist, Anumi. Like our Facebook page and subscirbe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date with all things ODMG.